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Campaign Game Minatures is the best place to find your figures and get a personal service second to none.
We have 22 years experience, our make of figures called CGM and we stock makes such as Mirliton, Xyston, Perry Miniatures, Buaeda, Minairons, Victrix, Spanish Tercios, Black Scorpion, and 1-48 Tactica as well as the Bolt action ranges, games, books and rules, including our own Imperial Eagle with the Scenario book Borodino and the army lists for Eckmuhl. CGM figures include Napoleonic, Ancients with Cesaerian Roman, Imperial Roman and Gauls and also WW2 infantry. El Cid and his men are coming along with new Napoleonic figures and equipment like wagons.
The web has been updated and e-mails are working so you can contact us and place orders. You get an invoice and a message when you order. If you have problems logging in to your account contact me at dermot@telefonica.net
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